You are currently viewing Union Vs. Nonunion: Differences in Benefits for Workers

Have you ever wondered just how much benefits differ between union and non-union employees? As a talented bricklayer, you want to make the most of your career, but you may also be unsure about becoming a member of a union. The benefits go far beyond simple wages.

Differences in Pay

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that union workers are likely to earn up to $200 per week, or 30 percent, more than nonunion workers. Even if a job is set at prevailing wage levels, union workers may earn more per hour.

Health Insurance

Speaking on a national level with all unions, the statistics show that union workers are much more likely to have health insurance or health benefits. In fact, 90 percent of union bricklayers are covered by health benefits. On the other hand, only about 65 percent of nonunion workers have health coverage.


Nonunion workers are not likely to have a guaranteed pension, but union bricklayers are guaranteed a pension when they retire. In addition, our union offers benefits in the way of alternative means for retirement planning.

Are you a bricklayer whose career isn’t living up to expectations? Contact us today for membership information.