The BAC prides itself on 3 main pillars – quality, safety, & productivity. Since 1864 we have prioritized the importance of assuring our craftworkers have not only the best training in North America but also taking part in projects that last centuries. Due to our emphasis on never cutting corners we assure consistent quality on a reliable basis. Our instructors are certified by the International Masonry Institute and qualified by OSHA, Red Cross and MSHA; thus, leaving no gray area when it comes to knowledge of safety regulations. We offer a federal registered program to our apprentices giving them the best opportunity to successfully thrive in this ever-lasting field. Human resources, financial stability, & scaling accommodation to the size of your work force are just a few of the many benefits we offer.

If you are interested in becoming a signatory contractor, please fill out the form. For further questions contact President Scott Garvin by phone at (240) 695-9463 or email

Expanding your Economic Opportunities, Tools, and Resources.

In recognition of the business expansion challenges our current and prospective signatories face, the Compliance Office engages in consistent efforts to stay abreast of business expansion opportunities available to contractors in the DC metro area. Whether in Maryland, Virginia or Washington, DC there are opportunities available to expand your business.

WASHINGTON, DC – There are six programs offered by the following offices: Department of Employment Services, DC Works, and District Department of Transportation. All programs are construction-industry focused. Providing ample funds, credits, and apprenticeship programs for employees and workers, these programs will give your company a competitive edge.

MARYLAND – There are four programs offered by the Maryland Department of Labor Licensing and Regulation. Benefits comprise tax-credits, apprenticeship programs for your workers. The programs also provide business certification opportunities, providing your company with exclusivity in government contracting opportunities for public works.

VIRGINIA – With more than seven programs combined, Virginia Department of Labor and Industry and Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity have a strong focus in aiding the development and expansion of small businesses. The programs provide grants, tax-credits, and certifications.

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